Beautiful right? This is St. Lucia, where I will be doing my second student teaching placement. Unfortunately, I do not have confirmation on my placement, my host family, or my departure yet so I'm not allowed to post any information. What I do know is that I am ecstatic!!
I can also tell all of you all kinds of fun and interesting facts that I've been researching on the internet.
Population: 150,000 with a workforce of about 65,000
Currency: The Eastern Caribbean Dollar which is linked to the US Dollar at the exchange rate of US $1 to EC$ 2.65.
Capital: Castries
Language: English, but a French-based patois is widely spoken
Weather: St. Lucia's temperature ranges from 65-85 degrees (Fahrenheit) from December to May and 75-95 degrees from June to November. The winter is relatively more dry as well.
Religion: More than 85% of the people in the country are Roman Catholics. The rest are Methodist, Anglican, Baptist, Pentecostal, Salvation Army, Seventh-Adventist. There are other co-existing religions such as Hinduism and Islam.
those are some of the raw facts about St. Lucia, but what I'm more
excited to research and immerse myself in is the people and the culture
of the island.
St. Lucia is filled with a rich and diverse culture and history. The "intermingling" of many cultural groups has led to many different "beliefs and traditions" on the island. St. Lucia might be best known for its "cuisine" because of the fertile and volcanic soil. The island is a leading exporter of banana's, which makes me very excited! There are six different types of bananas produced in St. Lucia! They also have numerous other tropical fruits, such as: mangoes, papayas, pineapples, soursops, passionfruit, guavas, and coconuts.
St. Lucia does not just have great food, but great people. The island is filled with a blend of very religous people from all different backgrounds and history. The first to arrive in St. Lucia were the Arawaks and the Caribs. The next group to arrive on the shores of the island were the Europeans, primarily the British and the French. Even though the Europeans didn't settle in St. Lucia in large numbers, they had an major impact on the island's history and culture. The British and French influences seem to weigh equally, despite the fact that the French lost the island in 1814. The British contributed their language, educational system, and legal and political structure. French culture is more evident in the arts--music, dance, and Creole patois which is used along with the official language, English. Also during this time, the African culture was arriving in St. Lucia through the form of slavery. African culture is the strongest element of all cultures in St. Lucia during the present day.
The information provided on this post was found through the following websites:
Wow Megan! What a beautiful place to be whilst learning the fine art of teaching. Can I be slightly jealous? I look forward to reading about your adventures!